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Deal-Killer Words…And some suggestions for replacements!


Last week, I talked about how some words actually may be SCARING your clients away.  Today I’m sharing a list of some words and phrases that may be taken the wrong way by your clients, along with some suggestions for what you could use in it’s place.  Have Fun!

PRICE = Total Investment
DOWN PAYMENT = Initial Investment
CONTRACT = agreement, paperwork, forms  (Contracts are a scary legal document)
BUY = own, invest
SELL / SOLD = get them involved (ex: “I got one of my clients involved in a rental duplex”)
DEAL = opportunity, transaction (Deal sounds like a used-car salesman)
SIGN = OK, endorse, authorize, approve
COMMISSION = fee for service
PITCH = presentation, demonstration (Oh No! Not another sales pitch!)
PROBLEM = challenge
OBJECTIONS = areas of concern
CUSTOMER = people we serve, client
LOOKER/TIRE KICKER = researcher (I will actually PRAISE them for being well-informed)
PROSPECT/SUSPECT = future client (cops look for suspects!)
APPOINTMENT = visit, the time we share (appointments are for Doctors, and you wait hours)
TERMITE/WDO REPORT = inspection report (and explain they look for bugs, rotten wood, etc.)
DISCLOSURE = notice, notification (We usually DISCLOSE something negative)
ADDENDUM = other terms, “this is where we put the ___ you wanted to ask for”

Think about it this way…which sounds scarier?
1.  Sign the Contract   or,
2. Approve the Forms

Exactly, 1 is a big scary step that they start wondering if they’re doing the right thing, and should they talk to their Mom first, and do they need an attorney because they had always heard not to sign a contract until you’ve had an attorney look at it… you get the picture!

Just a few little changes in your speech traits can result in many more closed transactions.

Good Selling!

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