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Real Estate Underdogs Can Kick Butt!


Fan’s of College Football have really had a shake-up this season…would you believe that ELEVEN top 5 ranked teams have fallen to UNRANKED teams so far!  That is crazy-unheard of!
Sunday morning Tim had on the sports highlights on TV and something caught my ear as I was walking by…

They were talking about the game Saturday where #3 Oklahoma fell to unranked Texas Tech 34 to 27.  Yes, it was another upset victory, but what I really loved was what their Quarterback said in an on the field post-game interview.

Graham Harrell (#6) was asked by a reporter:  “Oklahoma’s defense has done such a good job holding you guys from scoring – what was different about this game?”
His answer was a simple one, but it cuts really deep:

“we came out and executed…we executed…we moved the ball & got a win”

Wow!  You mean if we just DO what we know we need to do, we’ll be successful!  Amazing!

How are you executing YOUR game plan in your business?  At one of my trainings where I had somewhere around 100 real estate professionals and mortgage brokers in the room, I asked “how many of you are working 8 hours a day in your business right now”  no hands.  “how about 6 hours?”  a few hands.  “how about 4?”  a few more hands.   “TWO?!?!?”  I finally got some hands in the air!

Imagine that!  Everyone’s whining about the market and how bad it is and there’s no buyers and no sellers and no loan clients, and yet they’re only actually “executing” their business 25% of the day! (2 out of 8 hours)

How would Texas Tech have done if they had sat on the bench for the first 3 quarters and THEN decided to get on the field for the last quarter?  Would they have won? NO WAY!
(actually, let’s give a closer example to our industry, what if they came on the field for the first quarter, then decided it was time to go to lunch, and then decided the game was already 1/2 over anyways, so there was no sense getting back on the field today…I’ll just start again tomorrow!   For some of you this may sound familiar…I know some of my loan officers thought this way when I used to run my mortgage company!)

So here’s my “Coach Andy’s Game Plan for Real Estate Professionals”

Go out on that real estate field and EXECUTE the plan you already have!

See you next time!

P.S.  An article about college football and not a single comment about my beloved Gators!?!?!  Oh wait, there it is!  Had to slip it in!

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